Sunday, August 3, 2008

Staying Afloat In Todays Mortgage Market

Writen by Jay Conners

As the refinance boom is quickly coming to an end, if not so already in the mortgage industry. It is critical to keep working in order to keep those leads coming your way.

Here are a few ideas to keep your name, products, and services in front of potential customers.

For starters, revisit every refinance you have done over the last few years. Pull out the customers that you put into an interest only, arm, cosi, or similar product.

The terms on types of loans such as these will be coming due shortly, and your customers will be faced with some decision making, here is your chance to make it easy on them.

So start making phone calls and sending out mailers today. Get your name back in front of their face and let them know you are still here and have many products to offer that would fit their needs.

Your next step would be networking. If you are in sales, nothing can be more important than networking. So, if you are not doing it, start. And if you are doing it now, do it more.

No matter how much time you are spending in the office, spend less.

Think about it, how much time do you actually spend selling in a day?

On average, a sales person spends two hours a day selling. Why are they in sales to begin with.

Join networking groups, chambers of commerce, rotary's, community involvement programs, etc., etc.

And, don't forget your friends and family, they should be a big part of any sales persons' referral arsenal.

Never shy away from talking yourself up at family gatherings or bar-b-ques.

There is always somebody in a crowd that needs or knows someone that needs to refinance or purchase a home. So keep the business cards handy.

Also, don't forget about your past customers. Give them a call to follow up and make sure they are still satisfied. And, while you have them on the phone, let them know you would appreciate any business they could send your way.

Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of a mortgage resource site. You can also check out his blog at for more articles

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