Saturday, September 27, 2008

Second Mortgage Loan

Writen by Dennis Estrada

The second mortgage loan is a fixed rate subordinate loan of the first mortgage. The first mortgage must be paid off first before the Second Mortgage. The lenders usually lend up to seventy five percent to ninety five percent of the home equity. The home equity is the difference between current value and amount owe.

Most of the time, the homeowners use the second mortgage loan to pay for debt consolidation, home improvement, college education, or other expenses. And, homeowners pay both the mortgage at the same time. Since the second mortgage is higher risk than first mortgage, the lenders take extra measure to analyze the risk. Understandably, the second mortgage has higher interest rate than the first mortgage. Even though the homeowner pays higher interest rate, the interest rate is still lower than most credit cards.

The interest rates vary on each mortgage lender. The lowest interest rate does not necessarily mean the best deal. They are cost involve in any mortgage. And, the costs are different for each mortgage lender. Always ask for the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) which tells the true cost of borrowing. The mortgage lenders must disclose the APR by law.

Mortgage Lenders calculate second mortgage payment same as any regular mortgage monthly payment. Actually, the homeowners are able to pay monthly, bi-weekly, and extra payment like any other mortgage. The interest rate and payment period remains the same on the life of the loan. A newer type of second mortgage, which is called Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), allows more flexibility. The homeowner can even pay interest only on earlier periods. Then, the homeowner pays the regular payment on later periods. Some mortgage lenders allow lump sum payment at the maturity to extinguish the debt. This is called balloon payment. A default of second mortgage payment risks the title of the home, because the title of the home serves as the collateral of the second mortgage.

The life of second mortgage can be as short as five years. Some second mortgage goes as long as fifteen years. And, some second mortgage goes as far as thirty years. Naturally, it takes longer to pay off bigger second mortgage. And, the homeowner opts for a longer maturity date.

The mortgage lenders offer a powerful tool called second mortgage. In a difficult debt crisis, the second mortgage can consolidate all debts with a lower interest rate than most credit cards. In emergency, the second mortgage can also pay home improvements, home renovations, college education, or other expenses. However, a misuse of second mortgage leads to repossess of the home by mortgage lenders. It is advisable to know how much you can afford to pay before you take second mortgage. Mortgage Lenders also offer different interest rate. Lowest interest rate may not be the best offer. It is important to know the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) which tells the true cost of borrowing. Legally, the mortgage lender will disclose the APR to the homeowner.

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of mortgage calculators website which calculate the monthly payment, bi-weekly payment, affordability, refinance, annual percentage rate, discount points, and more.

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